Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Singapore is one of the richest countries in South East Asia .
and it is because of our globalising economy which is made possible by our own fellow Singaporeans .
Singaporeans who study and get good grades .
Singaporeans who get jobs in the CBD area .
Singaporeans with Degrees and Masters .
The whole meritocracy thing in just a big whole load of BULLSHIT .
Its just a big propaganda .
Singapore's economy is the way it is because of 2 things .Prostitution and the selling of Contraband Ciggarettes .
If you people haven't realised ,its these 2 industries that are constantly having customersAnd are always in business .
Plus they are never affected by the Global Economic Recession .
Get what i mean fellow readers ?
So stop studying .Go become a prostitute or sell contraband ciggarettes .
[Just Joking xD]