Friday, March 13, 2009

:]] Life As We Know It.

Basically Life is fun .
This Poem will tell you how my life is.

Chao chee bye
Chao chee bye
kaninabeh chao chee bye
si beh jia lat
si beh sian
sec 2 readi life bo pian

NCC plah buto
wear uniform step gung ho
walk here walk there like gangster
scold my cadets like monster

see my sec 1's so kedi
cannot do drills properly
scold them , pump them , shout somemore
until all my voice no more

Dnt waste of time
this subject should be a crime
i pray and pray for it to end
luckily better then F&N

Maths lesson also quite suey
if you like it sumpah gay
maths textbook kena kebas
find the person whack fast fast

See my friend all crazy one
some are lame some very fun
life no fren also quite sad
get friends like mine you sure go mad

Made By Danial.
Credits Please. :D

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