Saturday, November 21, 2009

A dog named sex.
Everybody who has a dog calls him Rover or Boy. I call mine Sex. He’s a great pal, but he has caused me a great deal of embarrassment.
When I went to city Hall to renew his dog license, I told the clerk I would like a license for Sex. He said, “I’d like one, too!” Then I said, “But this is for a dog.” He said he didn’t care what she looked like. Then I said, “You don’t understand. I’ve had Sex since I was 9 years old.” He winked and said, “You must have been quite a kid.”
When I got married and went on my honeymoon, I took the dog with me. I told the motel clerk that I wanted a room for my wife and me and a special room for Sex. He said, “You don’t need a special room. As long as you pay your bill, we don’t care what you do.” I said, “Look, you don’t seem to understand. Sex keeps me awake at night.” The clerk said, “Funny—I have the same problem.”
One day, I entered Sex in a contest, but before the competition began, the dog ran away. Another contestant asked me why I was just standing there, looking disappointed. I told him I had planned to have Sex in the contest. He told me I should have sold my own tickets. “But you don’t understand,” I said, “I had hoped to have Sex on TV.” He said, “Now that cable is all over the place, it’s no big deal anymore.”
When my wife and I separated, we went to court to fight for custody of the dog. I said, “Your Honor, I had Sex before I was married.” The judge said, “This courtroom isn’t a confessional. Stick to the case, please.” Then I told him that after I was married, Sex left me. He said “That’s not unusual. It happens to a lot of people.”
Last night, Sex ran off again. I spent hours looking for him. A cop came over to me and asked, “What are you doing in this alley at 4 o’clock in the morning?” I told him that I was looking for Sex.
My case comes up Friday

Just a joke , no i dont have a dog named sex =D

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I see the Love
I see the Hate
I see the Future that we can make
I see the life
I see the sky
Give it ALL just to see you Fly.

Yes we wave this flag of Hatred
But you're the one who made It
Watch the beauty of your Lies
Passing right before my Eyes

I hear the hate in all of your Words
All the things to make us Hurt
Fleeing hope as we depart
All together walk alone
Against all we've ever Known

All we ever really wanted Was
Something called Determination
Made to kneel before the Altar
As you tear us Apart

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tonight , i am going to sleep .so am i doing so tomorrow night .but im not going to sleep the following day .because its day time ,why would i want to sleep .

kay .moving on .

So to those people who were chatting with me last night after 10.30pm and i didn't reply .SORRY LAH .i fell asleep with the laptop on .i
m a tired person okay .i have school and ncc to juggle .
plus a wife and 3 kids who are in primary school to feed .i don't have so much time for all this blogging shit .

i got a family to take care of damn it .

sheesh .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i miss my life
i miss having fun 24/7
i miss blogging
i miss playing soccer everyday
i miss lepak-ing till 7 or 8pm
i miss doing nothing
i miss jamming on my guitar
i miss meeting my cousins to berbual konek
i miss coming to school to just do nothing
i miss lots of my friends
i miss Her.

The rest i see them everyday .
No need to miss them .
i miss my old self lah seriously .
Now my life is like a routine lah
boring you know boring .
Study study like shit
For whatever damn reason
Everynight I force myself to study Maths till 1.a.m
Everyday do and do still cannot finish .
fuck ah .

Lets Cut The Crap.

So I Saw This Guy Watching Porn In Windows Media Player .

Hahaha xDD

Friday, September 4, 2009


How many people of you actually read newspapers ?
i know for a fact i don't
I just read 8 Days magazine .
but im sure alot of Singaporeans do .
Kay so .
I've seen advertisments or notices in the newspapers .
Which take up alot of unnecessary pages .
And it really is a waste of resources .
Heck , i've even seen ads about saving the earth and stopping GLOBAL WARMING
But how stupid can the media be ?
They waste TONNES of paper DAILY just to tell people not to waste things .
How ironic is that ?
And just think if they didn't waste pages to print that out ,how much pages they'd save for ONE newspaper .
And if you multiply it by the number of Languages the newspaper has and also by the number of households in Singapore
I mean for god's sake , telling us on the TV is enough .
Lazy Singaporeans waste 1/3 of their lives in front of televisions .
1/3 sleeping and 1/3 doing miscellaneous stuff [I'm not hinting at anything] .

Save the Earth people .
Save the Earth , please .

Thank You .

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Singapore is one of the richest countries in South East Asia .
and it is because of our globalising economy which is made possible by our own fellow Singaporeans .
Singaporeans who study and get good grades .
Singaporeans who get jobs in the CBD area .
Singaporeans with Degrees and Masters .
The whole meritocracy thing in just a big whole load of BULLSHIT .
Its just a big propaganda .
Singapore's economy is the way it is because of 2 things .Prostitution and the selling of Contraband Ciggarettes .
If you people haven't realised ,its these 2 industries that are constantly having customersAnd are always in business .
Plus they are never affected by the Global Economic Recession .
Get what i mean fellow readers ?
So stop studying .Go become a prostitute or sell contraband ciggarettes .
[Just Joking xD]

Monday, July 20, 2009

A little bit of loneliness,
A little bit of disregard,

But it's like no matter what I do,
I can't convince you, to just hear me out,

I can't feel
The way I did,
Don't turn your back on me,

Time won't heal,
This damage anymore

But I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do,
I can't convince you

So I...
Let go, watching you,
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not

Monday, July 13, 2009

Your Voice Was The Only Thing I Heard And I Got What I Deserved. Time To Wash My Memories Clean.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So Many ,
Bright Lights That Cast Shadows ,
But Can I Speak?

Well Is It Hard Understanding?
I'm Incomplete.

A Life That's So Demanding,
I Get So Weak.

A Love That's So Demanding,
I Can't Speak.

I Got Nothing Against You ,
I Got To Move On ,

I Am Not Afraid To Walk This World Alone Nor To Keep On Living.

Give Me Your Hand But I Realize I Wish To Say Goodbye.
Please Understand I Have To Leave And Carry On My Life.

I Appreciate What've You Done For Me.
So For The Last Time, Thank You So Much

^^ Peace

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Boazman Tournament..

It was a fun experience .

Eventhough we've lost.We Drive On And Don't Look Back ,

But It Doesn't Mean We Can't Learn From Our Past

I Am Truly Sorry If I Did Not Did My Best .

Peace .

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We know each other for quite some time now ,

and every single moment of it has been magical .

You've been the best a guy could ever ask for .

You comfort me when i'm sad ,

you're always there to make me happy

make me glad .

And i appreciate everything .

The first time i saw you , i thought

" wow , she's beautiful "

But then i thought you might be too much for me

but i took the risk , and got together with you .

Even all my friends say you're beautiful .

Everyday when i get home ,

i can't wait to be with you .

Spend quality time together .

Just you and me ,

And honestly Suzie , nothing can ever tear us apart .

Your voice is melodious to my ears ,

And the curves on your body , just sweeps me off my feet .

Everytime im sad , you'd cheer me up .

and when im happy , you bring upon joy and excitement .

Suzie we've gone through so much together ,

Heck , we'll even die for each other.

Dearest Suzie,

You'll always be

a part of me


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today officially marks P.O.P [Passing Out Parade] for National Cadet Corps .
And i'm very glad that i have contributed .
To be in the premier uniformed group in Singapore is something i am very proud of .
And i'm not the least afraid to say it out .
The National Cadet Corps have given me so much opportunies to excel and stand out .
To nurture me and bring out the best potentials i have.

What makes it more meaningful is the people around me whom i share it with .
My batch is the best platoon mates anybody could ever ask for . and i dont know how to thank you.

You guys have made this part of my life meaningful & memorable .
i wouldn't have asked for it in any other way .
From the time we were all strangers to each other in Part A
and we soon bonded, much and much closer .
You guys are the one whom make me endure a second longer.
Thank you so much part b.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This post is for Myself .
I sympathise myself for the situation I am in .But im sure everything is gonna be alright .
Apart from the fact that some people go around hurting others .then when things go out of hands.
I apologise and apologise .FOR WHAT ?
They just don't appreciate it.
I'm, not even sure why I was Apologising.
I just apologise to get everyone together again.
So Please,Don't start the issue in the first fucking place .I
understand how you feel .
I've had FRIENDS who were like that also .Don't think before they act ,And if something bad happens ,Your drama starts .Stop Thinking That You're Always Right.
Doing it to one person hasn't woken you up apparently .
You Just had to do it to Me ..Its okay .
.So if you're reading this post and you think im aiming at you ,wah .clearly shows how guilty you are lor .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Join Danial and his plan to fail his exams
Because even if he passes the exams,
He'll just use the cert to wipe the toilet bowl .

Maths Paper 1 : 19 / 40 :D
Maths Paper 2 : 11 / 30 :D :D
DnT : 55/100 :(
Enlish Paper 1: 60/90 :(
Malay Paper 1 : 35/70 :(
English Paper 2: 33/60 :(
Malay Paper 2 : 41/70 :( :(
Science: 60/100 :( :(
Art: 71/100 :( :(
Geography:47/75 :( :( :(
History:67/80 :( :( :(


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If you're reading this .
I wanna thank you for all the things you've done and said :D
I mean seriously .
It has helped alot .

Well because now i have learnt not to think too much about the stupidest things that fuckers do .
Because they're just trying to catch my attention since they have nothing better to do .

I've also learnt that some friends i can trust ,
some friends i should never trust .

Really .
I'f you had not done what you did ,
i would have never known about the truth .
And you revealed to me who are the true ones who care the most .

I don't mean this post in any insult whatsoever .
i'm just appreciating everything .
A challenge along the way only makes me stronger and wiser .

and i still think you're unreasonable
but whatever it is .
Thank You :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So today went to school.
Timetable had changed.
:D The Classroom was blackouted :D .
I didn't know why.

So after school we had NCC.
Wow my birthday bash Lol.
haha , so i am looking forward to this friday
not for dnt. but for imt.
Wish Me Luck And Hope That I Will Get Marksmanship.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

School Is Stupid.
cos they employ teachers like Mdm Chin.
who's no different from any mak cik pasar.

What she say has nothing to link with school.
Something about china crap.
Seriously We Don't Care.
In singapore talk about singapore.

She's the motherload of nagging.

Let's not talk about that.

So After School Went To Play Sepak Takraw.
I have to say that khairi have a natural talent on sepak takraw Lols.
then we went to talk.
i wanted to talk..but nvm..
went home..
nvm la.


Friday, March 20, 2009

After trying my best to keep it on the down low, I guess it is just best if I were to express my disgust at a certain character.

Wannabe. Poseur. Whackjob. These are only a few words to describe the character that I’ve mentioned. Talking about things that he/she does not know anything about. Selling himself/herself so cheap like that. My advice is to just stick to what you know and stop trying to be different because you’re nothing more than you are.

I bet the people who come here will not understand a single thing that I’m typing here. It’s okay. Probably better off like this.

I’m just so sick about your constant ramblings on your blog. Why? Because it’s all just full of crap. As I’ve said before: All talk, no action.

One question remains to be answered, “Why do I care about what you say on your blog?”

The answer to that question, I have no idea. I do not have a single answer as to why I’m bothered by what you say. I guess it’s just safe to say that I still do care as to what you are as a person.

Bottom line is that you’ve changed. Changed into someone so cheap and unlikeable. Totally not the person that I knew the first time I met you. Soft, demure and so many more. You’ve just lost that aura of innocence. I am sorry if I had anything to do with your transition into this… This thing.

Believe me when I say that I’m not the only one who feels this way. My respect for you has gone down the drain.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today was dope.
I shall explain why.
We played Guitar Hero World Tour.
I got to say it was such a badass game.
Thanks Dayana for letting us play it.
So Basically I woke up at 9 a.m. :D
I felt energetic getting ready to play badminton.
I met Irsyad,Zuhaili,Nabihah,Dayana and Nabilah
First went to Nabihah's house.
We played badminton in her house?
I think she was mad . xDD
After that we went to KFC.
Recently, I've fallen in love with the zinger meal.
For those who didn't know, I already ate zinger meal for 3 days straight.
:D I just can't get bored of it.
We went to play Guitar Hero then at Dayana's house.
:DD I have to say that playing the drum was fun.
I might try it again.
We went down to play badminton.
I was probably the noobest? :X lols
Then Nabihah's dad came , woah :O
he had an expression that you would shit your pants at that very tight moment.
yes lol.
Sorry Nabihah if you're reading this . :X
xDD oh and thank you for treating all of us to bubble tea :DDD
After that we played catching with small kids? haha
One guy called Long Kang Johor screwed up?. xD
I'm glad that none of my friends had the same attitude like him.
Feeling happy, playing with the small kids that i forgot to keep time.
Around 6:15pm i went home.
Thanks For Reading.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

“One in a million,
As precious as a diamond,
Sweeter than honey,
Better than PS3,
Perfect smile,
Fun and wild,
A gift from the heavens above,
_ _ _ is my definition of love((:”
- Danny((;

Monday, March 16, 2009

Basically I had an NCC camp.

On the 1st day.
Report in.
We played water bombs x DD rofl
Then we had another activity where we sprint.
After that team making and stuff.
Took my proficency test.
Hope I Passed .
Then we slept.
1st day was the slackest day.

On the 2nd day.
Woke up,
PT, This was the easiest pt i must say.
Then we had breakfast.
Then we packed our bag and went to kayaking.
We kayak from pasir ris to punggol and back to pasir ris .
We covered 30km in 4hours. :]
Oh we went to an island to rest called cony or corny island.
oh ya.
k, so basically after kayaking my hands we're trembling.
went back to our camp,
performed on c/o night (Cadet Officer Night)
Then we slept.

On the 3rd day.
Woke up,
PT , this was the most fucked up pt i ever had.
We ran 8 rounds the school,
do more than 105 push up
60 crunches
50 counts of 4 of jumping jacks.
Of course the P.T Officer was an airborne ranger.
An airborne ranger, is the most skilled and fittest in the air army.
After that we had bunk cleaning and went home.
Oh ya, my team won 1st prize.
Good Job.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I hate people who are so self centred and think that they're always right

2 : I think that everyone is an asshole . they just show it to different people

3 : I trust my closest friends alot . i turn to them for almost everything

4 : I can get very temperamental is you mess with me

5: I love to study.

6 : I'm someone you can trust . because i know how important that is

7 : I really appreciate the things around me .

8 : i don't know how to play the guitar

9 : i just lied about no.8

10 : i love my mom alot

:]] Life As We Know It.

Basically Life is fun .
This Poem will tell you how my life is.

Chao chee bye
Chao chee bye
kaninabeh chao chee bye
si beh jia lat
si beh sian
sec 2 readi life bo pian

NCC plah buto
wear uniform step gung ho
walk here walk there like gangster
scold my cadets like monster

see my sec 1's so kedi
cannot do drills properly
scold them , pump them , shout somemore
until all my voice no more

Dnt waste of time
this subject should be a crime
i pray and pray for it to end
luckily better then F&N

Maths lesson also quite suey
if you like it sumpah gay
maths textbook kena kebas
find the person whack fast fast

See my friend all crazy one
some are lame some very fun
life no fren also quite sad
get friends like mine you sure go mad

Made By Danial.
Credits Please. :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

So today as per normal went to school,
Normally Me,Zuhri,Dayana and Nabihah would go to school together.
Me and Zuhri waited under nabihah's block..
we wait..wait.. till 6:55 but she wasn't there.
Zuhri and I went to school.

In school we learnt something.
Ya something.
Enough about school.

After school, went to P.O.D with Hasritz,Nazri,Faiz,Zuhri,Me,Hasmirul,Nabihah and Dayana.
We were there for three hours.
It was fun till it lasted.
We played Monopoly and The Game Of Life there.
So it was around 5:15p.m where everyone went their seperate ways and went home.

That Basically Happened Today.

lil bastard

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today played badminton :DD
with Zuhaili , Hasmiru l, Nazri ,Zuhri and Irsyad.
Played until it rained.
and oh.
zuhri won a medal in npcc .
what recycle thingy.
so ya.
we played n played till it rained.
then we go to Lan.
Play Cs.
Legs Hurt Alot.
Afterall Yesterday Napfa zz.
Timing 11:44 -13 secs= A...
Looks Like I'm Gonna Retry Again ,
I want to get an A.
Thanks For Reading.

I deem all of you are mature enough to be responsible to think for your actions.
Test 1 2 3